MCAT Practice Exams, Questions & Study Guides
SlaySchool was originally built to help medical students excel in their board exams. We started by taking slides, videos, handwritten notes, images and turning them into flashcards, multiple choice questions and free response quizzes. Students could export these into Anki decks or print them out to study them. After getting to 150,000 users globally, we decided to focus on the next best thing - the MCAT exam.

We are excited to launch MCAT practice questions using a combination of AI and medical residents. Here is how we built it:
- We asked medical residents, incoming med students and doctors to come up with questions and explanations in the same structure as the AAMC.
- We then trained a model, combining OpenAI and Google models to come up with new questions.
- These new questions were then given to our staff to validate, edit, or eliminate.
This process took a long time but we finally got a version up that we are pretty excited about!

In addition to the questions and answers, we also added a trained AI to help students with learning. The AI understands the nature of the question, the answer, and the goal of the question to then provide a helpful explanation to the student. Eventually, the AI will understand the areas a student lacks and will surface detaiiled information about how they can do better.

As we are still in the early days, this function of our app is free to use for now. Please let us know what you think of the questions, the explanations and the AI. Your feedback is super important to us and we'd really apprecaite it!
Give is a try here: https://app.slayschool.com/